Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My New Years Eve Date!

Happy Happy New Year Peeps!
Tonight I am welcoming in the New Year with
someone very special.
First we did some cuddling and played kissy face
I made his favorite dinner
Then we made our way upstairs for a long relaxing
bath in the spa tub
Then we snuggled up next to the fire and I read to him
while he played with my hair.
In awhile I will make him a nightcap
And then we will fall asleep in each others' arms
(We also played Peek-a-Boo)
(I made some spaghetti but he played with it.  He gave
a piece to the cat and she played with it too. 
 I don't even know where it is now.)
(Actually HE was in the tub and I was sitting on the side
getting splashed and saying "Sit Down Sit Down On Your Bottom  Sit All The Way down 
(I put him in his enclosure and he ran around butt naked until I caught him and tackled him and put on his jammies and then I dried his hair next to the space heater.
He kept trying to put toys in my shirt)
(By nightcap I mean warm bottle of milk)
(By fall asleep in each others' arms I mean I will rock him and sing his special Nite Nite song and he will keep trying to put his pacifier in my mouth and eventually I will give up and put him in his crib where he will scream and cry until big alligator tears fall on his little face and I will cave and go lay down in his enclosure and try to stay awake while he climbs all over me)
I can't think of a better way to see 2014 come ringing in. 
Unless I am asleep.  That would be the best.
(His mommy is freezing her toosh off waiting for
the Rose Parade tomorrow)
Happy New Year to all of you:  My Family  My Choosen Family  Blogger Stalkers   And Complete Strangers who read my blog to feel like their lives are incredibly normal.
I really do love you all and hope that this year brings
all the best to everyone!


ltlrags said...

I'd say I'm jealous, but... I'm old. I just want my pillow under my head. I remember camping out at the rose parade. Were you part of that or was it a Peach Factory crowd?

Quill and Greyson said...

Happy New Year to all of you from all of us!!