Friday, February 5, 2010


Be very, very quiet
I think they may have forgotten I am here
I fed them and then I snuck upstairs and I am writing this from under my desk
There must be hundreds of them out there
It sounds like it anyhow........
Girl Party Night at Casa De Fenner y Williamson
Sleepovers for both girls..........
I am scared
If I don't make it out alive........ I just want you to know that it has been a pleasure putting a little smile on your face....
Or an expression of confusion.... either one will do.....

Tomorrow: Celebration of Lauren's birthday which involves freeway driving and a stay at the Motel 6 in Anaheim.... guess where we are going......
Not me... I am dropping them off and spending the day with my cousins. Yea!

That is if I make it through tonight......


Stacy Vogt said...

OMG! Are you NUTS!!!!! Do you have a death wish! Or maybe you WANT to live the rest of your days at the funny farm. Good luck, my friend, it has been truly a pleasure knowing you all these years.

Kym said...

I'll be hiding out at your house in a couple of months when my daughter's Brownie troop comes over for a sleepover!

critterlover said...

Oh dear, did you survive?

What???? You aren't going to DISNEYLAND? I love Disneyland :-)