She said if I blogged about one of her all time favorite movies she would comment me. I can't wait.
So, this is the Newsies Blog
Have any of you seen this movie? It was released back in 2002 and it is the true story of an 1899 strike by newspaper boys against publishing magnate Joseph Pulitzer. A musical, Newsies starred a young and gorgeous Christian Bale as Jack Kelly, the leader of the strike.
It really is a cool movie with lots of cute boys dancing and singing and all in east coast accents.
I would tell you more about Lauren and this movie but it is her birthday soon so I am saving it.
Christian Bale was such a cutie. I LOVED him in Little Women.
How adorable was he??? And then he grew up and got obnoxious. And I don't like him in Batman because he is TOO DANG DARK and Batman should not be all that serious! I liked the Michael Keaton Batman... now THERE was a Batman.... More of a GRAY color..... not so DARK....
I digress.....
Ahem... Lauren... your comments????

OMG! It's 19:30 and still no comment from Lauren. What does it take? Okay, tell her to watch Empire of the Sun and Equilibrium (post cute-little-boy but pre too-dark-knight) and then she must post. But I understand that she has friends over tonight so she shall be forgiven.
Concerning who is the best batman....I must say I consider Val Kilmer to be the best batman. So easy on the eyes, and look at the pecks under that suit! Whooo Hoooo! There may be snow on my roof but there is still a fire in the fireplace. Tee hee.
too bad im only commenting because you said it as released in 2002, you got it wrong, it was 1992 cuz me and Newsies share the bday year. and Christian Bale isnt even my fav Newsie duh lol
there i commented about your mistakes. you dont even have a picca of my hottie, Gabriel Damon tsk tsk
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