Sunday, August 9, 2009

Homage to Treating Oneself Right

I was 40+ years old before I had my first pedicure.

Appalling, I know. Since then I have enjoyed this experience many times: The excitement of picking out just the right color: Should I go toward the oranges or the pinks or the reds? Or should I go toward the edgy: Black, blue, purple? Perhaps a french tip? Then on to all the massaging and the salt treatments and the swirling tootsie hot tub! All of this accompanied by language impaired conversation with the employees of the shop who speak varying degrees of english! Lovely! If I am feeling especially daring--maybe even a flower mural on my toes because they all take pride in their own signature flowers-- many times I have ended up with something that almost hid the color part entirely!

A few weeks ago I took my Mother in for her first pedicure. I took video even! She opted for a pretty pink-- and flowers!

Last sunday (this is typically a Sunday afternoon activity) my friend Chandra (blue blouse) and I took our Single Moms Leader, Becky, to share the experience! Because, like trips to the ladies room, pedicures are better enjoyed en masse!

And now for a few words about Becky! She is a great leader. She guides and imparts wisdom to we single moms of the church. She listens to our laments about exes and teenagers and prays for us and with us tirelessly.
And we appreciate her very much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really? I got my first pedicure when I was 8. Maybe that's why I went to live with my dad after.