Monday, June 8, 2009


Friday night Lauren's Community Choir performed the National Anthem at our local Jethawks game.

The Jethawks are the farm team for the Houston Astros.

June is supposed to be a warm weather month but it was FREEZING!!.

We bundled up and cuddled up under blankets to watch the game.

Base ball is boring. Luckily the players were very adorable.

I mean the game started at 7:00 after an hour of warm ups that we
had to sit through because Lauren had to be there early. The warm ups were the best part of the game. Sorry. It is true!
My daughter and older nephew played tug a war in the infield between some inning. He won

At one point they played "Who Let The Dawgs Out" and all the little
kids all ran across the outfield. My younger niece and maybe nephew are out there somewhere.

About 9:00pm my sister and I decided the only way we were gonna get through the rest of the game was if we had chocolate. It was too cold to go get some ourselves so we bribed Zachary with another hot dog (that kid can eat!) if h
e would get us some chocolate. I love that boy, but he really blew it. He came back with 2 VEGAN chocolate chip cookies. Now, if that sounds gross you have to trust me--- they tasted even worse than they sound. Seriously. It is blasphemy to even call them cookies. What kind of baseball club serves vegan chocolate chip cookies???? It is just wrong.

So finally the game ended (YEA!) at 10:15 (see the proof?) and af
ter there was yet another stupid infield game and dance by the Hawkettes (oh yes, Hawkettes, I said it) the fireworks began. They were very pretty.
Then we got to go home. It was a lovely family
evening together--- the kind we don't often get since some of the kids live with their dad. Pretty Cold.. I mean Cool. Pretty Cool.


Anonymous said...

Vegan cookie? Really? You've got to come to a bay area game where they serve It's-Its, ice cream sandwiches with cookies. Mmm. Just thinking about them makes me blood sugar rise. Of course it wouldn't be a baseball game, 'cuz those things are freakin' boring! It's all about Hockey in this house.

critterlover said...


I have to defend vegan cookies, not that one I'm sure... there are some pretty nasty tasting ones out there, granted... BUT, we have some FANTASTIC vegan cookies at our store, you'd never ever know there was not an egg to be found and the chocolate is dark chocolate - not milk chocolate. YUM.