Saturday, April 18, 2009

Taxi Cab Confessions: Emergency Supplies

As you know, ever since my sister had her EBF a few weeks ago I have taken over much of the family chauffeuring. The best part is driving my niece and her friends around because I keep my eyes on the road and my ears tuned in for interesting tidbits of conversation!

Don't judge me!
If they don't want me to hear they should close the sound-proof window thingie!

Last week I heard this snippet of a conversation between my niece (9) and her Bff (10):

"Yeah, he is REALLY cool. He keeps a piece of jerky in his wallet in case he gets super hungry. You know, like, emergency jerky"

Emergency. Jerky.


JC said...

I've been a Chauffeur for years .. fun job don't ya think ?

Becky said...

I tagged you on my blog. I had to. Because it was the first time I have ever been tagged.