Monday, March 9, 2009

Very Important Disclaimer

Wow, I just realized that my Trip Down Memory Lane post could give the impression that I don't like boys.


It is just that the last date I was on was in 1999 and I am a total romantic failure in life so I have given up on romance. And a lot of my friends have only known me alone.

But if I were to ever date, it would definitely be with a man!!

I mean, if you know any one feel free to hand out my blog address.................
Hee Hee!!


Becky said...

Huh? Never gave it a thought LeAnn! But I do see a problem here --> Wanting to date men? Gonna be pretty difficult. I have dated mostly boys who just look like men. They are sneaky.

~ written with a smile. Becky

LeAnn said...

I agree... definitly sneaky little monsters. And I have had terrible luck!!