Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Miscellaneous Thoughts

On Politics;  I am so finished with the whole thing.   Don't talk to me about it any more.  You human beings are mental.   All of you.

On Getting Old:   The cashier at Jack in The Box offered me the senior discount the other day.

On Having Leprosy:  My leg itches all day long.  I need a 'Cone Of Shame' to keep from scratching.  If I wasn't so fat I would probably chew on it too.

On Marriage:  To the couple in Germany who's minister dropped dead during their vows.  Yes, that is a sign.  Run..... RUN!!!!!!!

On Starting Physical Therapy Today:  You said it was massage but it felt like you beat me with a baseball bat.  This is supposed to help, right?  Or did I wander into an S & M group?

On PC Building Names:  My company bid a project the other day called the "Mid Valley Multipurpose Intergenerational Center"  Yikes.

On Seeing Too Few Responses To Baby Pool:  You know who you are  ((CoughMonicaBeccaAshlieScooterZacharyCathyKathyCarolStaceyMCarriChandraLucyBeckyKatieCough)) And all the rest of you out there I say Really?  REALLY???????  Have I not been punished enough lately????

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