Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Quick Up Date

Geeez Peoples~
I have been SO BUSY!!  But not too busy to think of all of you!  Maybe just too busy to sit down and write.
Forgive me....
Let me bring you up to speed
Work is terrible.  Since I don't talk about work I won't go into detail but we have been short on office staff and still just as busy so there has been a lot of pressure every day to perform miracles.  There have also been some legal situations that I for sure cannot talk about but it is very frustrating and disapointing and I don't like drama so it is bad.
Bad Bad Bad
But what has kept me especially busy is getting my grandbaby's special blanket finished.  You know how you decide to do something and it seems like you have all the time in the world and you are putt putting along on it and then suddenly--- SUDDENLY LIKE A BOLT OF LIGHTNING FROM THE SKY--- you have an epiphany****  and you conclude that you simply MUST have this blanket ready to present to your daughter at her baby shower which started out as a baby shower her best friend was giving but of course I took over (she asked me to so don't get your feathers ruffled).  This moves up your target completion date by about 6 weeks. 
So I spent the last week or so embroidering my fingers raw.  Literally.  And staying up late nights (sometimes after 10:00pm................ REALLY) and then this past weekend I spent the whole weekend working away and I finished it!   And it is just incredibly adorable if I do say so myself (and I did just say so myself)
And now I have shifted gears to get the shower all planned out and ready to go this next Saturday.  It has been a long time since I threw a party and I LOVE IT!
And you will all get a full report next week.
But for now I wanted you all to know that I have not dropped off the face of the Earth
Or been abducted by aliens (and not brought back home before sunrise)
Or had a heart attack that I know of because my job is killing me.
Or given up and driven myself into the desert to die lonely and sad because I have not been able to make everyone in my life happy with me.
I am just very busy.
Be assured that I am keeping notes and taking pictures to bring you all up to speed as soon as I can.
But right now I need to take some brownie cookie cup cake things out of the oven to see if my serving experiment worked .  Two nights of dry run desserts--- what a hardship.
Then I need to go color my hair.
So toodle-loo loves!

*** I guess you guys don't want to participate in games so I will let it go.  I am sad though.   Thank you to Cathy for the amazing haiku and to Janet who actually wins though because in the case of a tie I just couldnt count bonus points.  Sorry Cathy!

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