Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Boomerang Christmas Trees & Peeps: WTH?

Many things on my mind tonight.  Luckily I am too tired to whine too much so will share two observations:

#1)  Last Saturday night we got a real tree because our daughters told my sister and I that we had ruined their childhoods by putting up the same sad fake tree every year.
And it was looking pretty pathetic, admittedly.
So we got a new tree and it is beautiful and mostly still alive in spite of the fact that we forgot it needed water for several days.  It helps that it never gets higher than 50 degrees in our living room.
So we put the fake one out on the street in case someone wanted it.
We have gotten rid of a lot of stuff that way.
So it was gone the next morning. 
But then it came back then next morning.  Same tree.  Same note on the front "FREE TREE"
That was just weird.
It was gone again the next night
So far it has not come back
So far..........
#2)  My daughter loves Peeps.  I mean she is a serious Peep-Eater.
Peeps see her coming and try to hide.
And every year on alternate holidays (besides the traditional peep holiday of Easter) you can easily find a small variety of peeps.  Snowmen peeps.  Christmas Tree Peeps.  Reindeer Peeps.
This year nothing
No peeps
What is going on here?????
Have they all been abducted by aliens?
Was there a run on peeps of which I was not made aware until it was too late?

If it is possible that you are not familiar with peeps (HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE???) or you just want more information please visit the Peeps Research Foundation Website


1 comment:

JC said...

I know what they are, just haven't had any since I was a kid.

We still have a real tree. I'm looking at it now.

Hope you have a Fun Holiday,