Sunday, September 19, 2010

Danger at the Soccer Field!!

This fall I find myself back at the soccer fields to watch my niece, Becca, play on the Precious Diamonds team!
This is cool because for 13 years I was big into the whole AYSO thing you know.
This past Saturday there was special. The whole family made it out to the game even Lauren was there and we got my mom out in her wheelchair!

And my sister made it an occasion to remember by managing to get bit by a snake.

She took my mom to the restroom and while they were in there she was startled by a snake in the stall. So Monica, in an act of selfless heroism, rushed in, isolated the snake, grabbed it up in her bare hands and ate it.

Okay, she didn't eat it, I think she threw it out side-- but not before it BIT HER ON HER HAND! She described the snake to me and I think I got a picture of it!!>>>>>>


Upon further investigation it turns out that it looked more like this. But seriously, it could have been a baby rattler or something.

There is a very thin line between bravery and stupidity...

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