Sunday, March 14, 2010

Snowy Takes to The Road

I heard from Snowy.

She is sending me emails. She was going to send them to her mom (Monica) but since she never looks at her emails, she is communicating to me. Here is her note:

Dear Aunt LeAnn;

Sorry to worry everyone. After spending 35 years in a dusty old box I just had to get out and see the world. It isn't easy for a stuffed cat (?) with no arms and legs but I am doing fine.

So far I learned to drive. My hero is Tounces, The Driving Cat. The Cat Who Could Drive A Car. CLICK HERE FOR AWESOME VIDEO Or HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TOUNCES ON WIKIPEDIA

Will write more soon,




critterlover said...

LOL good for Snowy, I hope she drives better than Tounces.

Karen said...

Havefun Snowy!! lol