It was a nice place--- but does this look like a Motel 6 to you?
The colors are different.
It felt Japanese... like futons.. and acrylic.
And the floors were laminated wood type floors. No carpet. That was odd too.

The TV is set into the wall. There is nothing else on that entire wall but this. That was weird. Nice TV though.

This is the long view of the room. The doors are french type black acrylic doors. The towels are set into this yellow acrylic box thing on the wall that also has a light. See it? Weird.
But nice.

Saturday night the girls went down to check out the pool area and imagine my dismay at discovering that they went in the spa fully clothed. I am quite sure that if they had asked me I would have been horrified because isn't that how Good Mothers Act? You will have to tell me cuz I doubt I are one. They went swimming. I didn't tell them not to. They loved it. Of course that meant no dry clothes for the next day and the way you see them here is pretty much the way they traveled home in the car.
Now about the day before. We hit Anaheim just in time for the rain to stop which was amazing because it rained at home all day long. For you who are not from The Greater Antelope Valley--- home is about 90ish miles from Casa de Mickey. And it was pouring. Not my favorite thing you know. I dropped them off and headed for my cousins' house. She gave me two sets of directions because I told her I don't care for the freeway. One was on the freeway and one was on surface streets. I opted for the freeway. Apparently I turned back very close to being at the actual correct freeway but it didn't feeeeel right... So I back tracked and went via the surface streets. A few miles down the road I came across some police action which resulted in a closed street... it took me about half an hour to find a parallel street to go around. Then I got back on track and kept on going, albeit insecurely, until I found the place. Okay, yes I texted my son to mapquest and tell me if I were anywhere near the right place.... and I was..... Yes, I am a dork. I need to get this cool Gardin thingie that my cousins have to help me navigate. Course, I would probably lose it or have to text Brandon to ask how to use it.
I am like that you know.
When I got home my cats and dog met me at the door and told me that my sister had forgotten to feed then OR give them treats.....
She says that she did feed them AND give them treats.
Someone is not telling the truth..... And I am not sure who.....

That *is* an odd look, the Motel 6.
LOL, I hate driving in places unfamiliar, it scares me half to death. I'm so sure I'll get lost.
Yeah, my cats tell me that every day when I come home "daddy didn't feed us, no lunch, no snacks, no treats, we're STARVED" Daddy, however, assures me they've been fed. Hmmmm.
My the Motel 6 looks nice.
When I stayed there, it was terrible. Loved the pool though. It was the first time I'd been to the Grand D Land. We drove up from WA which was a story in itself. I grew up on Motel 6 & later on Best Western's ...
Do you all remember that box they used to have for what was it ... 25 cents. My Dad loved those only one time it wouldn't stop. LOL
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