I am well into my third week of my online Spanish class now. It is harder than I thought it would be. Apparently they babied us waaaay back in High School where you spent half the semester learning how to count to 10. And then the mid-term was to name the primary colors.
Dudes, they had me conjugating right out off the block. HOW WRONG IS THAT????
Meanwhile, back at la oficina de Nibbelink there are any number of opportunities to practice. I can eavesdrop on the guys while they gossip at the work counter and fill out time cards. I can eavesdrop on the conversations between Claudia and guys coming in to fill out job applications. And best of all I can text Claudia with stupid questions and obscure translations. Unfortunately I cannot use words I hear the guys chattering about because most of them are too brash for my delicate ears. I only wish I could tell you some of the names they have for each other. Plus I don't trust that they won't set me up by telling me something that means something else entirely.
Today I had a very nice conversation with un hombre quien trabaja de Nibbelink where I kinda sorta understood what he was saying and answered back to him in English.
Lucky for me, I am not only accustomed to people laughing at me but I actually encourage that sort of activity.
In fact I feel as though I have failed in life if I haven't made someone laugh at me at least once a day. It is important to have goals, you know!
PS: I probably shouldn't tell you this because you may expire with anticipation but..... my Managerial Accounting class starts next week. Now that is one sexy class.

1 comment:
?Es Susana en la casa? Si, Susana es en la casa. ?En la cocina? Si, en la cocina? Ok, tell me you don't remember this?!!! Buenas suertas mi compadre.
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