Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pickford Renovations: My Room Before

And here we have my room.
I couldn't get a very good picture. It is bigger than it looks and I have cool windows that look over the front of the house and also the front door so I can drop water balloons on people when they come to visit and then act super innocent because who would believe that of a middle aged menopausal woman?

The closet is really wierd. Not really as wierd as this picture because I forgot to flip it. Just turn your head sideways to look at it. DO NOT roll your computer monitor
over on it's side. It is full of junk and it has all those shelving things which would be cool if you are a toddler and don't have clothes more than 11" long. BUT I am also taking over the closet in the guest room so it is okay!

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