Monday, August 24, 2009

Pickford Renovations: Garage & Yard Before

The outside. The front yard is totally dead.

The back yard is totally dead except for the tree in the corner that I have been watering over the fence because it hangs over into my backyard.
The backyard is tiny which is fine by me. They left 3 different barbeques, a trampoline and some play set.

The garage has a doughboy pool
, some tree branches and about 100 old R & B cds. I hope they come back for that too. My Carolla, Lola, will be living in the smaller area to the right and my sisters GINORMOUS Expedition or whatever it is (it is like the space shuttle inside) will be living in the bigger side to the left.

1 comment:

JC said...

You really have a lot of clean up to do ... what ya doing blogging when you could be doing midnight trashing ...