Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pickford: Furniture Projects Before

Here is a peek at some projects I decided to do when I was supposed to be packing, but got distracted. This blue table, I am ashamed to say, is an antique and it belonged to my great grandma. I say ashamed because, in a fit of country madness in the 1990s I painted it BLUE. AND I STENCILED ON IT.
I know. I am sorry. In my defense the original finish was bad and had to be stained very dark because there were several colors of wood.
I will show you the after pictures later. It turned out great. I did however trip over it one night and bruised myself up something awful. Because I was working on it in the middle of my kitchen.

So this will be Lauren's new headboard. Yes, this was stenciled too. I was a stenciling FIEND back in the day.

Admit it, some of you were too. My mom still has stenciling in her kitchen I did.

This particular headboard has had the stenciling painted over and over in different colors to match decor. You will have to wait to see the finised product.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're such a tease!