When we last left The Princess and The Older Sister they were about to enter the Cave of Prizes......
Alright, said he and led us off to the Cave of Prizes where the Younger Princess choose a golden ticket that meant that she had won………….
BUT WAIT you still get to take a spin on the wheel!
Which won her……… a trip to
You mean instead of a check for $100,000.00 we could have a free trip to the Really Truly Mickey Mousiest Magic Kingdom??? Or we could go visit The Monster Human Being Eating Orca OF DOOM? Yea!!! Who needs money!!! Give us the tickets……………..
"Surely so" said he " but first I must give you one last final opportunity to re-think your position about WHY you don’t ever want to take vacations?
What is wrong with you????
Sure, one of you is a slave to the spirit of Pragmaticism and the other has an Alien Brain Chip but surely even the two of you gigantic LOSERS can see that only a Court JESTER would be so foolish to walk away without leaving a copy of your credit card?????
Really really really SURE?????
This is it… I am going to walk away and then you will be out of luck…
I am walking…
this is me walking away….
Your last chance…. Seriously… I mean it………….
If you walk out that door you can never come back….
See that DOOOR right there? The dismal depressing door into Dante’s 7th level of HELL???
Go! Go through that door!! Leave me!!!
And so we went through that door with our finances intact, if not our dignity.
The door closed behind us…. Then we followed the signs through the windowless maze of shoddy dirty blank walls and carpetless floor.
It seemed endless.
We began to wonder if ever we would make it out alive.
The Younger Princess started looking faintly like a Dove Chocolate as the Older Sister of Practicality contemplates how long she could go before becoming a cannibal..
Finally-- A Shining Beacon Of Light.............
An exit Sign!
I've been on the edge of my proverbial seat (and my literal seat) waiting to see if the Princess and the practical one made it out alive. Sadly, my story ended differently, but at least I take a week of vacation every year... as long as my trade is accepted and I am willing to pay the fees and convenience charges. I wish I would have taken the killer whale.
You take a week of vacation??
Can I touch you?
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