Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Suffer From A Swollen Uvula

I woke up Tuesday morning to a swollen uvula. (That is the hangie thing in the back of your throat for you people who are less medical than I, if that is actually possible). This has happened to me several times before. Usually it happens when I am REALLY tired or sick and have snored to the point that my uvula rebels and swells to twice it's normal size. Yes, I can feel it. It feels like what it is-- a big yucky wad of mucousy skin hanging in my throat. The best part for everyone around me is that when I speak I sound, well... how do I put it? Rather less than intelligent and it is pretty funny. I entertained everyone for the past few days. I thought my boss was going to have a stroke laughing so hard at me trying to hold a professional business conversation while I sounded like the other sister in that movie "The Other Sister".
So I google "Swollen Uvula" to prove that is not a freakish thing (ie: Further proof that I am an alien) that only could happen to me. YOu are not going to believe this, but I actually found this blog
I seriously did not write this!
I mean, sure I am blogging about my swollen uvula in my blog--- but I didn't CREATE a blog just to blog about my swollen uvula. That is just ridiculous!

I tried to get a picture but I just was not able to capture this occurance on film. I am sorry--- I know you all count on my visual aides! Maybe next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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