Saturday, January 17, 2009

Why Cats Are Not Invited To Koinonia

My cats are normally very spiritual creatures. One (or more) often sit with me during my prayer or study time providing encouragement via purring and/or that rhythmic kitty cat kneading thing they do.

Yes, cats are great in personal prayer time.
Not so much for Koinonia.

The first time my Sunday Small Group met at my house for fellowship time, Oliver Thomas O'Malley (Malley to his friends) distinguished himself by waiting until we were gathered around my kitchen island (which was laden with all sorts of goodies), hands joined in prayer to bless our food-- and then jumped directly mid spread onto the counter top. (Malley chooses to protect his anonymity and therefore I was only able to get his back end, but you get the idea).

Today, as we gathered in prayer once more we were first interrupted by the phone ringing (Okay, I can't blame that on the cats. It was the dog crank calling the neighbors. Again) and then by the sound of Chanel crunching on kitty nibbles. Not to be easily thwarted, Chanel ignored my attempts to draw her away from the cat dish for scritches nor was she startled by the napkins I threw at her. Yeah, napkins aren't all that scary but it was all I had. I did have a cookie, but I was not willing to sacrifice the cookie. Not even for the sake of spirituality. (That isn't true--- I just thought the sound of a cookie hitting the cat might possibly be even more distracting).

My mind is darting between trying to figure out best/least distracting way of ending The Great Catfood Fiasco of 2009 and focusing on the prayer needs (which were many and so much more important than my cat at that moment). Then I hear the unmistakable soft snickering of the person sitting to my left.......... and I realize that I am completely failing in my quest.
Mercifully, she finished eating at I was able to give the group my full attention.

When we were done praying, Fearless Leader (aka Jim) began discussing next month's gathering. A BBQ.......... I think he was eyeing my cat when he made the suggestion.........

Maybe next time I will herd the furgang into the back bedroom........

1 comment:

JC said...

Love the pictures
And the hearts on your name