Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pickford Renovations: Master Bedroom Before

Okay so I forgot to get pictures of my sister's room. You will have to wait for the afters. It is a great room. The best part is you can look out the windows and see everyone's back yards. AND most of all you can see right into my current bedroom window. I can't wait to see if the film and the blinds and the curtains I have been using really actually work.
(In case you don't know this already-- the new house shares a back fence with my current house and that is where my son and daughter-in-law will be living. And NO, I am not going to try to look in their windows.)

The only pic I got of this bedroom is of the fishtank they left in there. That is right. A fishtank full of yucky water broiling in that house since April.
Oh yeah.

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