Saturday, May 2, 2009

That's What Friends Are For

It is good to know that during these trying times that you have friends who love you, who have your back. Friends that are encouraging and supportive. Friends who want only the best for you. Friends who see only the best in you. Friends who think you are awesome, terrific, intelligent, kind and just pretty much rock in every possible sense of the word.

Yes, I have these kind of friends.

And then, there is Kathy.

Kathy who sent this to me in the mail. This is Kathy who lives in the same town as I but didn't have the guts to give this to me in person. Not to be confused with Cathy, who probably only wishes she had sent this to me cross country.


JC said...

That's Cool !!!

Anonymous said...

I so want one of those! And why are there ONLY 6 cats???? What's up with that? And why is she dressed like that? Don't they know that we crazy cat ladies have better fashion sense then that? Well, at least we do Monday through Fridays; the weekends are another story. Krazy kat lady is my hero! Meow, Chandra.

JC said...

I am giving you the 'Life is Grand' Award. Please go to my blog to see what I said about you.

You need to give it to five blogs you thing are Grand.
