Allow me to introduce myself: I am Oliver Thomas O'Malley Cat!
I heard tell that the house Senior Staff Person (some of you know her as LeAnn) indicated to her son that her feline roomates would never speak out via her blog. But, as she tells it, she never promised him any

Guest Blogger!!
And she feels as though anything short of this FreakShow is perfectly normal. Including allowing occasional guest blogs.

Here is a baby picture.
Yes, feel free to 'ooooo' and 'aaahhhh'. I was, and am, quite adorable. My Staff has a weakness for saving small felines who have found themselves in dire straits. Occasionally she visits the local House of Horror and brings someone home. My sister Jasmine joined the family a year earlier from the same Asylum of Terror. She saw me stretch out a paw and she just had to take me home. Obviously, she knows Greatness when she sees it.
Currently I am King of the Household. I perform many important functions including Garage Inspector

And Security Officer. I am able to
get a view of the entire kitchen from this spot.

Don't make me laugh.

I am also in charge of internet access in the house. As you can see from this picture I was carefully monitoring what Boris is looking at on the computer. He says he is doing homework, and he may well be doing so, but I am always on the lookout for Kitty Porn.
We have high standards in Casa de Malley
Here are 25 things you might not know about me:
1) I am going to turn the big '3' this summer
2) I have amber colored eyes
3) I have a special love for my staff persons sister, Monica. (Rawr)
4) I like my sisters Chanel and Yvette the best and have raised them from kittens
5) I hate my sister Maddy for no good reason at all
6) I hate my sister Jixie because she is a PITA
7) I like to sit under the bathtub faucet and let water drip down between my eyes
8) I am named after the Disney cats from Oliver & Company, Thomasina and O'Malley the alley cat from Aristocats
9) My staff person gave me middle names because she knew I was going to get in a lot of trouble and wanted to be able to yell out more than one name. But she calls me Malley.
10) I am her favorite
Well, this has been FUN!
As my second cousin, twice removed would say:
TTFN (Ta Ta for Now!)
O'Malley I thought you where taking a long time to dig our tunnel. Now I know why. Mom's at the beach house so I'm can mew at you and she won't know.
Sorry for the last post. My extra toes get in the way when I'm typing. I'm a cute orange kitten though. That gets me out of a lot of trouble.
Oliver Thomas O'Malley. I knew you were too smart to not be blogging when left unsupervised by your servant. Thanks for posting, I'll enjoy your words.
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