Sunday, February 22, 2009

Not Me Monday: 2-23-09 Edition

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

As for me, here is my confession of some of the things I did not do this week!

I did not pay only half attention to my Economics lecture while paying the other half to making notes about the blog I wanted to write about being in college at the tender age of 46 yrs old. No! I am a GOOD STUDENT! I always give my full attention to the lecture before me!

I was NOT impressed that poop was a part of our Sunday sermons for the THIRD WEEK RUNNING today! My pastor would never have a local baker create a beautifully decorated cake that was made from a cow patty as a visual aide of hypocrisy. And our associate pastors would not keep the poop references going in the following two weeks of sermons! Certainly Not! And I would not laugh to myself Saturday when reading Chapter 4 of Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" only to find a manure reference in there too! No! I am far too manure for that!

I mean MATURE!

And you all know that I am most certainly more Manure than Mature!!


Anonymous said...

You've got your priorities straight. Blogging first!

Wayne said...

Great not me monday, I sometimes find my self ccompletly in another world thinking of things to blog about

I am starting a new post on the 12th of march called - Honor them Thursday - and I am looking for as many people to take part as possible. it will have mr linky so your person of honor can be seen by the world. it's a chance to honor the people you love wether it's your mom or dad or you partner or your child or one of your your friends or maybe some one has inspierd you. Honor them and say thankyou. I hope you will join in

seriously? said...

Economics lecture??? I am pretty sure I would be thinking of anything BUT economics during that time...blogging, cookies, etc. Great list!!!

dmelen said...

I laughed too hard at the manure story. Great!!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

That would liven up the sermon, that is for sure.

Samantha said...

I know! Except maybe baby kittens who WEREN'T insistent on growing up so fast!

Such good Not Me's!!

Carebear said...

LOL on being manure, I mean mature! And your church sounds like fun!

Becky said...

LeAnn, you’re busted! :-)
I am a teacher and I am almost positive you acted in ways which were a dead giveaway. Like:
1)Giggling to yourself when the teacher isn’t saying anything remotely funny. And how could he/she? Economics? Sheeeeez!
2)Writing furiously when the instructor really isn’t saying anything of major importance (i.e. won’t be on the test)
3)That disoriented look when you realize you haven’t been paying attention. Think, Deer. In. Headlights.
4)Never making eye contact. Dead giveaway!
5)And worst of all, you didn’t ask the instructor to repeat him/herself, did you? Like, “when is this due again?”, or “in what language is this report to be written?”, or “are we having class next week?“. Of course at our age, a “would you please repeat that so I can hear it?” would probably be appropriate.

Awww – just teasing of course! I have an idea you could pretty much TEACH the class! You're obviously a great student. Happy Not Me Monday! ~ Becky

Chelsie said...

It's funny that your pastor talked about poop.. I go to a "college" sermon every week and the guy that runs it often talks about poop while giving the sermon, too!

Great Not Me! Good luck in school. I NEVER zone out and think about my blog instead of my class work. No way, not me!