Sunday, January 25, 2009

Samson the Barbarian VS Jixie: Warrior Princess

PSA: Any animals harmed in the making of this blog were harmed by other animals only. I have made harmless, yet surprisingly realistic, representations of the physical damage.

Dear Geeez Groupies~ Sadly I must report an incident of Animal On Animal Violence in the Fenner home. I know, this is shocking! I too, am appalled.

Despite years of therapy and millions of dollars spent on animal psychologists, Sam's obsession with teasing the cats continues. It seems as though it is never enough for him to attempt unmentionable acts upon Jasmine, Chanel and Yvette (the cats with whom he gets along) in the name of 'Alpha Animal Dominance' (wink wink) but he constantly feels the need to approach the other feline members of the household who despise him.

Today, Jixie had finally had her fill. I heard yowling and hissing coming from the front room followed by canine whining and scrabbling by Sam to reach his safe haven which is under my work desk.

When I called him out, this is a dramatization of what I saw.
WARNING: This is a graphic representation due to my new photo editing software. It is rather frightening, isn't it?

In truth, Sam didn't look anywhere nearly this bad (I am just a computer editing GENIUS) and once he licked off his own nose (eeeewwww) I couldn't even find any damage. He is lucky. He got off pretty easy. This time. I spoke with Jixie: Warrior Princess about this attack but she pleaded self defense and was given a verbal warning and a loss of catnip treats for the day. As far as I know, catnip abuse did not play a part in this incident but one never knows. Additionally she and I had a talk where I reiterated to her that violence is never the answer, especially when she is capable of escaping by leaping on to the refrigerator.

PS: Thanks for all the support with the schooling thing. I will keep you posted. The situation is bound to supply me with lots of blogging material!


Anonymous said...

I'm envying those photoshop skilz.

JC said...

Too FUNNY ... more entertainment than I normally have ... with my first cup of coffee in the morning !!!

And, what photo thingy do you have ... cause well, I can't do anything like that ... I'm lucky if I can download the pics off the camera & find them ... later ... in my files LOL

Anonymous said...

I knew you would all be jealous. It only took about 2.5 hrs to do that too, lol.

Joshua said...

Did you just out yourself? Who is Jixie? Is there ANOTHER furball in the geeez gang? Seriously?!

LeAnn said...

When my sister was moving to Lancaster she couldn't keep both of her kitties so I got a call from my littlest neice asking me if Jixie could come live at my house so she could have a good home and visit etc....
What was I going to say????